Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Create an Apple id without Credit Card information | Easy and Simple in 5 minute

Create an Apple id without Credit Card information | Easy and Simple in 5 minute | Specially for Asia

Are you worried that you don't have visa card to create apple id for your Iphone or Ipad??? Now we have solution for you easy and simple. All you have to do is follow the instruction below.

Step 1

Start your Apple phone or Ipad. go to App Store.

2. Step 2

Select any free software to install on your device. 

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then it will ask you for you Apple id.

Step 3.

Choose Create New Apple ID from the second option.
Then online form will appear after agreeing the terms and conditions.

Step 4.

After filling the all the form then we will see like this picture below.

There is None option that we can select and finish the process to create a free Apple ID.

but sometimes while filling the billing address, postal code will not be accepted. On the situation i will give you one simple example.

- on the first step select country NEPAL.
- on the last step put Kathmandu on the address option
- put 000977 on postal code

Then you will be success on making free Apple ID without Credit Card information.

Watch Video to create free Apple ID with Visa Card.

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